By Marcelo
My thoughts; Everyday is a surprise, until now the only thing that has
been consistance is the solar car. The green machine is surviving me, I
am not very kind to it.
Tech garage; One year later, I had to fix the fairings a few times, the
first time was due to a potwhole the size of a bison in the Yukon. Hey,
next to that potwhole there were parts of other cars too. The solar car
wasn't the only victim. I actually, collected a car wheel cover from the
side of the road as a souveneir from that day, still inside the trailer.
The days event;
Willy Wanka, Josh and Claire turn to set up the array, got to sleep in
a little. Yeah, I could use some rest.
The overnight stop at Napa Autoparts parking lot in Staples was quite.
We need a couple of things for the van (enginee coollant, wheel nut socket
and an extention), the store manager didn't want to charge us for it,
said was his contribution to the project. Thank you Brian!
While driving we passed next to of the longest trains I have ever seem,
it was crarrying gigantic wind turbine blades. We made a few passes by
the train to film and take photos. Seeing those blades made by day. Go
The other highlight of the day was our arrival in Crookston. The stop to
charge the empty batteries behind the gas station turned out to be one
of the most fun stops we had. The staff from the station came out to see
the solar car, than the sherif, a reporter from the ABC, etc...next thing
we were driving the solar car down the road escorted by the sherif, Willy
Wanka on the passenger seat playing with the lights and sirenes, lots of
photos and film. To top the warm welcome the owner of the gas station gave
us cart blanch on the store, help yourselfs with anything you want. Well,
needless to say some of us got brain freeze a few times before the end
of the night. We all got a sugar high, kids in a candy store :)
See you on the sunny side!
The great solar car adventure continue tomorrow ...

By Laura Vvavavrrrrhooooooooom....the
seat vibrates heavy beneath me, my hair flies wildly like fire in the
wind because there are no helmet laws in Minnesota. I hold my legs
tight to Sean’s bike as we noisily chase after the solar car up and
down the empty highway in Crookton. I feel his heartbeat in my left
hand held fast around his chest. The local newsreporter has his
videocamera resting heavy on a shoulder as he squats on the side of the
road. Willy Wonka is riding in the sherriff’s cruiser, operating the
flashers and playing with the siren like a young boy on a joyride with
his policeman dad. Marcelo speeds down the road and I am in hot pursuit
on the back of the motorcycle, amataurly filming with our small hanheld
video camera that shakes uncontrollably with the turbulence. After a
few laps, we pull back into the Ampride parking lot where Willy Wonka’s
and my excitement are equally matched. He steps out of the cop car with
the same adrenaline smile as I have dismounting Sean’s righteous bike.
This kind army biker boy is from Climax, MN., the tiny town we all
screamed joyously for when we reached it.
Beyond the excitement in the distance is a wind turbine, slowly
oscilating and from afar it’s hard to believe just how big they
actually are. In our travels earlier today we drove alongside miles of
railroad tracks that at one point carried a train hauling wind turbine
blades...each one longer than a semi truck...must have been more than
20 on this train, stretching as far as the eye could see down the
As the sun sets brilliantly backlighting trees with gold light shining
through the leaves, I sit and talk with Ken. Our small glowing stars
burn bright like the sun, increasing in luminescence with each deep
breath. Ken was the first one to come outside to see what we were all
about, the one who contacted the reporter and the one who offered and
made us food, as well as open his house and his heart to us. Thank you
-Laura Peruzzi

By Claire
I don't know that I should be admitting outloud that I got cold last
night, a temperature Marcelo estimated to be around 50 degrees (Im
positive it was much much, if not, much colder). The trailer was closed
up and I was in a 30 degree bag with a fleece pillow. Is there a word
for someone how actually fears coldness? Not spiders, not heights, but
an entire weather system. I would definitely consider supporting solar
to the northern tundra a descent phobia therapy. I am so happy I
listened to my sister when she told me to buy mid-chin socks over
anklet socks. Common sense, but still a good call.
The valley bottom prairies of northern Minnesota lined our mostly
unswerving route northward. My duties behind the wheel evolved into a
more natural work flow and, once again, the day was a clear palette of
blue and green and the cool breeze winding through the van masked the
lobstery hue developing on my left side.
We were able to take quite a bit of footage of the car as it cruised
through the grassed flatlands. It was fun to see everyone explore
different angles and styles of taping and photographing. It's good to
know that Marcelo encourages trying new things when it comes to
documentation. I just wish that there were more hours in the day, a
rare request I know, so that I could turn a few other viable concepts
into something at least electronically tangible. Putting together slide
shows and short videos is on the top of that list. I reassure myself
that I am not wasting time with gaps of nothing based on the fact that
it is hard for me to recount gaps in which I'd even be able to do
nothing. I'll get the hang of it soon enough.
We started out in Staples, MN and aimed for Fargo, North Dakota to meet
up with press. One of the issues with GPS is that you don't know what
you are really looking for. For example, the map showed a nicely
situated park, but you don't know how to get into that shaded little
patch lit up on the cracked screen. So, what looked like an entrance
point ended up to be the parking lot of a senior living complex. I was
amused to overhear one of the center's residents wearily ask a friend
about the funny car out front, with a sigh the friend said, 'aw, Judy,
that's a solar car...', a 'duh' explaination loaded with a Wisconsin
The highlight of the drive today was drove alongside a train carrying
at least 18 wind turbine blades. The contoured rods gleamed a pure
white color against the aged beds they were tied to, an untouched glow
reflecting the clean energy they were on their way to provide. We got a
lot of great footage as the railroad tracks curved to and fro, always
coming back to greet the road, eventually rising up a grassed dune
where the conductor waved and the train whistled before we finally
parted ways.
The afternoon in Crookston was packed. Before I even stepped into the
gas station we landed at for the evening I was told that we were being
treated to the coffee, fountain drinks, pizza and internet the the
station boasted. We took pictures with the owner, staff, and onlookers
and moments later, Marcelo was being interviewed for a radio program
and the local news was coming to get a shot of the car driving down a
nearby pass, escorted by the sheriff, nonetheless. Willy rode in the
police car armed with a camera, I rode with the news cameraman, and
Laura was able to volunteer a passerby motorcyclist to give her a lift
to get our own footage of this spontaneous parade.
The enthusiasm of the staff and visitors at Ampride gas station would be
hard to surpass. Especially that of Ken, who made us pizza, which is a
most respected act on its own, but also offered his home to use to shower
up. Thank you to all the staff of Ampride...and everyone else we came into
contact with our couple hours living there. Another sun-drenched press-filled
smile-ridden day with the solar car.

By Willie Wanca
This morning was early again, 05.30 to put our friend on wheels into the
sun again! We charged the car, ate breakfast and left ON THE ROAD AGAIN!
What a day, we arrived in Fargo and did a press interview with ABC, a side
of that the miles flew by. It was evening before we knew it and we stopped
in a nice little town called Crookton. We charged the car again and had
free ice cream, pizza and drinks at the gas station AMPRIDE. All the people
around where very enthusiastic and before we knew it there was more press
interviewing Marcelo. And of course…. WEEEHOOOOWEEHOOO there was a police
officer arriving as well to check what was going on. He joined the crew
for that evening and I was able to drive with him in his car and play with
the sirens!! IT WAS UNBELIEVEBLE!!!!! As a little kid I was always dreaming
about playing with the sirens (and still am) and yesterday my prayers where
heard! Laura got to drive on the backseat of a motor; Claire was driving
with the television man while Marcelo was driving the sunshine car! YEEHAAA
it was a nice adventure. After all this we were invited to take a shower
at Kens place and so we did. We all got cleaned up and shared some good
life experiences with each other. (Thanks Ken!) Before going to bed we
had a little meeting with Marcelo and at 01.30 the light finally switched

By Josh
Staples, Wisconsin was quite the lovely town. I woke up at a Napa Auto
Parts, and I set up the array with Willy and Laura. We found a small sliver
of sunshine between the building's shadows, which was just the right size
for the XOF1. Laura and I scouted the neighborhood for a bathroom after
we had a decent charge going. I noticed she was eying a loaf of rosemary
bread for the second time in 24 hours, so I insisted we get it. After getting
back to the solar car, we passed around the ukulele while we waited for
Claire and Marcelo to arise from their slumber. We set out on the road,
and I navigated with Claire as our driver. We set the route for Fargo,
North Dakota, where we had some press waiting for us. We landed at Viking
Ship Park, where we unintentionally parked the solar car in front of a
retirement community. The girls stood upside down on their heads to invert
themselves for a while. After getting some nice topsy-turvy shots, they
realigned themselves with Earth's regular gravitational pull, and proceeded
to speed off to get some fruits and veggies while Marcelo, Willy, and I
waited for reporters to arrive from ABC. Marcelo had a brief interview,
and we were able to impress some of our new elderly friends. The girls
returned later, finding us guys lying leisurely in the fresh cut grass
by the retirement center's parking lot. We gathered our belongings and
hit the road...AGAIN!!! The crew fueled up on some fresh salad courtesy
of Laura and Willy's preparation. Pepper Jack AND Feta on a salad is like
some sort of undeserved slice of cheese heaven, especially when I've cut
back so dramatically on my meat and dairy intake as of late. We took some
great photos on our way North; some of the shots requiring me to lie in
the middle of the road to snatch that most sublime angle. We even drove
alongside a train that was carrying a huge load of wind turbine blades.
Seeing the solar car speed past these other forms of alternative transportation
and energy (respectively), gave me unparalleled inspiration to continue
to pursue and promote solar energy in all it's forms. Even still, It was
great to see that for even a moment both wind and solar power were moving
forward together, and alongside one another; two solutions to save our
planet from the rut that fossil fuels and coal transportation have drilled
us into. It is also interesting to note that last night in Staples we saw
a huge payload of coal traveling opposite our direction. At least from
my perspective, continuing to mine, ship and burn dirty, filthy coal is
literally driving us the wrong direction, literally. The Solar Fellowship
decided to stop in Crookston, MN to charge the array upon stopping, we
were greeted by the employees of the Ampride gas station. Even the name
of the gas station bears honorable mention, considering the solar car “rides”
on “amps.” The employees called the press, and had their manager bring
his custom truck by for a picture of his car with the gas station. The
gas station offered us free fountain drinks and fresh pizza. Once the press
arrived, I took some video of the interview that a local NBC reporter was
conducting. An army guardsman named John was there with a motorcycle, and
even the local sheriff dropped by. Willy jumped in the cop car, Laura on
the back of the motorcycle, Claire, with NBC, and I awaited their return
while they took some amazing shots. Kenneth, a chef for Ampride, offered
us his place to shower. He showed us some amazing heirlooms from his mother's
Mexican shop that she had owned. We talked about Hawaii, and I brought
out my ukulele for fun. We got into some deep conversation about inspiring
each other through our own personal challenges, and sharing with each other
our strength, happiness, and compassion. After listening to some of his
great music, Claire and I departed to pick up Marcelo, since we had gotten
our showers already. Kenneth does some awesome work in the community, and
is continuing an admirable life as a student, chef, and father. It is really
something special to get to meet people like Kenneth, who have shown the
tour kindness, and friendship. By 3:00AM, I sang an Iron and Wine cover
with Laura, and promptly clocked out.