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May 15, 2009

Key West, FL - 2.8 miles
By Josh:

Today marked a major milestone in the journey of the XOF1 solar car. Grant, Jamie and I rode in an electric car to the Southernmost Point landmark in Key West.  The cops attempted to pull over the solar car during the photo opportunity. For Marcelo, this must have been quite some experience, seeing as he has now gone from The Arctic Circle to the Southernmost Point in the United States. This span of travel is impressive for a regular vehicle, let alone a solar powered one. The group then went to Key West’s Eco-Discovery Center. We asked for donations and exhibited the solar car to a variety of people. The NPR conch shell blowing champion and leader of Lloyd’s Tropical Bike Tour praised the solar car. The XOF1 team was given a tour of the marine museum. It turns out that the photos we took with Karen were used for the front page of the Key West Citizen; notifying the city of the XOF1’s arrival. After driving around with a day of non-stop press, we met up with Alan, to work on the solar car. Later, we took the solar car down Duval St. to see the reactions of the general population to the solar car. People were shocked and amazed to see the XOF1 rolling down one of the busiest streets in Key West. The Southernmost hotel offered us a place to stay due to the significance of the XOF1’s presence at the Southernmost Point. In exchange for a photo opportunity with the hotel, we got some free lodging in some of the nicest rooms I’ve ever seen. We also got some Thai food on a floating restaurant. Just as we sat down, it started pouring down rain. This was truly an amazing day to be a part of the solar car team, and I was glad to see that the local community was so receptive to clean and renewable energy in one of the sunniest parts of the sunshine state.

Getting ready for to leave the hotel to start off the day.
Arriving at the Southern most point of the U.S. for a photo op.
Marcelo and Kate - the owner of the Gardens Hotel.
Tourist train getting a look at xof1.
Say cheese!
Solar car crew with a few folks from Key West who have been extremely helpful during our stay there.
Umm, isn't she supposed to be kissing the groom?
Grant driving an electric car around town. Thanks for letting us borrow your car Kate!
Marcelo and a guy who was featured on NPR for his conch blowing skills.
Xof1 was featured in the local paper that day and advertised the demonstration at Discovery-eco Center.
Eco-discovery center.
Josh doing what he does best - filming.
Marcelo and Jamie taking off in the electric car.
The governator.
Hotel crew at the Gardens Hotel
Xof1 got an incredible amount of attention in Key West.
More onlookers.
Marcelo working on fixing the array at Allan's house.
Xof1 featured on the front page of the local paper - The Citizen.
Xof1 could be seen at almost every street corner.