Solar Car Breaks World Record
Solar Car Breaks World Record
Record Solar Car Stops in Houston
Record Solar Car Stops in Houston
EnergyRushTV On-Demand - Power of One Solar Car ProjectClose Video
EnergyRushTV On-Demand - Power of One Solar Car Project
EnergyRushTV On-Demand - Power of One Solar Car Project
Ed Begley Jr. and Peter Fonda in Solar Xof1 Car
Ed Begley Jr. and Peter Fonda in Solar Xof1 Car. (note from Brian: the fathers of both men starred in one of my all-time favourite movies: 12 Angry Men)
Ecofactory Xof1 Interview
Ecofactory Xof1 Interview
Solar Car Struts Stuff on Streets
Solar Car Struts Stuff on Streets
The Other Great Race 2008
Classic cars and new hybrids race from New York City to Paris, France in memory of the first Great Race in 1908.
Discovery Channel (USA)
Coverage of NextFest featuring XOF1.
NextFest 2006
Video compilation of Xof1 in New York City, showing some media coverage the project received while in New York attending NextFest 2006
Fox News - Business with Neil Cavuto
Neil Cavuto host the No.1 business news show on cable in the USA. The live interview with Marcelo da Luz took place at Fox Studios in New York.
PBS - The News Hour with Jim Lehrer
XOF1 featured on PBS coverage of NextFest.
Discovery Channel - History of the automobile (English)
Marcelo da Luz has a dream to drive across country with nothing but the sun at his back. His project's objective is simple: Develop and build a solar car to drive across Canada (video at the bottom of linked page)
Canadá Contacto (Portuguese)
The TV special was produced by OMNI Television for world broadcasting via RTPI (Radio e Television Portugal International) for the program Canadá Contacto. The show host Natasha dos Santos interviewed Marcelo who talked about the history of the project, its challenges and accomplishments. The segment is filled with images of the project. It aired in Portugal and Canada. www.omnitv.ca
Breakfast Television - City TV (English)
One of the most popular TV shows in Canada, from City TV. Liza Fromer (Show host) interviewed Marcelo da Luz live. Marcelo drove the solar car at the network's parking lot . An informative and dynamic interview where Marcelo talked about the project and its goals. (we are waiting for permission from the producer to make it public)