news update links
March 02, 2009

Lompoc, Ca - Goleta, Ca
by KO

It rained last night. Today is gray with multi-layers of cloud cover. I have decided Peter Pan was a solar car driver, always looking for his shadow. When we see our shadows we run to re-situate the car to maximized exposure
of the solar array to the sun. Then we count on the amp meter the amount of charge coming in: One dot one,
one dot four, one dot six. When the sun starts shinning it is four dot four, four dot five all on a scale of ten. Nine hours later we set out in to the sunset, sliding down The One and 101 to Goleta.  Does it seems strange to be charging during the day time and driving at night?   It is because if we stay in one place with the array tipped to the sun, we harvest more electricity, and curious people aren't able to take pictures. It is a conflict because meeting people and introducing the concept is a big part of what this trip is about, but not in rainy weather with a deadline in L.A.

The days end is a real gift!  A house full of engineering and economics students and a friend of Jos welcome us in, tucking the solar car in a safe place, and cooking a great barbeque.  It feels like home and even better.they have WiFi!
